2021 NWTF Presidents Report

Hello to all,

Wow! What a wild ride it’s been these past months! It’s really hard to even comprehend all that’s gone on, and all that couldn’t!

I want to start out by saying “Thank You!”. Thank you to all our volunteers who are still out there making a difference in the world around us! Thank you for your dedication and service to the NWTF, making all the things we do happen and making our communities better places to live and grow. I truly appreciate all your efforts!

Thank you to one of the best groups I have ever served with: Our Minnesota State Board. You all make this a truly exceptional board to be on and work with and I am grateful to be a part of it. Your State board not only meets 4 or 5 times a year, they are the backbone of many of the events that happen all over the state that promote the work we do. Lots of the events seem to go off so smoothly you might not have any idea of how much work goes into each one. But let me tell you there is plenty of planning involved and lots of time spent to make things appear that way!

We had quite a lull in activities there for a while, and we lost some of the momentum we had, but things are gearing up again and we are getting ready to move forward again with new determination and some new ways of accomplishing the mission. Most of you have seen our new logo and heard our new slogan “Healthy Habitats, Healthy Harvests”. We are trying to become more relevant to the younger generations while maintaining our ties to the past and to the folks who have made this one of the best conservation organizations in the world. We have had to change how we do business and become even more fiscally stable to meet the challenges that have faced us over the past couple years. And now the NWTF is poised to make an even greater impact in conserving America’s many habitats and insuring our hunting heritage for generations to come.

We may have some new procedures, do some things in a little different way, and even have a new look, but this organization has not changed the fundamental things it started out believing in way back in 1973. This is an organization that begins it’s meetings with the pledge of allegiance and a prayer. It is still dedicated to making sure we have the ability to hunt and places where we can hunt. And it understands that by working to bring back the wild turkey we are doing so much more than that for the environment and all the other wild things we love to see and experience when we are out in the great outdoors.

With all that said, I want to invite each and every one of you to join with us and step up to make a difference in this wonderful world we live in. There are so many ways you can help: You can volunteer to be on a local committee and help hold a fundraising event in your area, You can volunteer at any number of local chapter or state sponsored events and see from the inside what is really happening with the NWTF (We do many sports shows, high school trap shooting leagues, high school archery, the state trap shooting championships, 4-H programs, JAKES events, county fairs, local town celebrations, ETC…), You can help mentor new hunters or help with any number of special hunts for veterans, kids or those who are disabled or terminally ill. And the list goes on and on…  We can use help with all of these programs. Please consider joining us!


Linden Anderson